Things you shouldn’t lose in your life
As a human living is hard. Living meaningfully is much harder than that. While we are living in a stereotypical society, we tend to loose morals. But there are four things you should not lose in your life.
This is the quality in which we are different from animals, but sometimes humans act worse than animals. In modern society, people act beyond the limits of humanity and nature, for living. That’s why living an expressive is much harder than just existing. If you can live an honest, generous, and respectful life, you are a rare human being in modern society because living honestly cannot be done by a coward. Being honest is a quality of a brave person. Living kindly and respecting other’s feelings make you a human fulfilled with humanity.
2) Hope
We may lose many things in our life such as money, power, job, love, trust, and other things. But it doesn’t mean that you are failed. But if you lose your hope, you will accept yourself as a loser. Even during this pandemic situation, you may lose a lot of things. But don’t lose your hope in the future, so be ready for your future with the hope that you would be okay in the future.
3) People
As a human nobody can live alone. So, we meet various types of people in our life. If you have people around you who encourage you, accept real you, love you, respect you, treat you kindly, and be honest with you; don’t lose them, because finding an honest, respectful and kindhearted person is very difficult in current society. You should keep your distance from toxic and fake people, to live happily. Everybody makes mistakes in their lives. So, saying sorry for someone does not mean that whether you are wrong or the other person is right. It means your relationship with the person is more important than being right or wrong. So do not hesitate to say “sorry” to a person who is loyal and kind to you.
4) Yourself
Do not lose yourself for winning other’s hearts. Accept who you are and find your mistakes and try not to do them again. Actually, without losing yourself, winning another person’s heart may be difficult. But having people who accept the way you are is good for both.
Therefore, you may lose lots of things in your life. But try not to lose mentioned qualities in your life and live a meaningful life.
Lashitha Madhushan
18 batch
Nice ❤️