Preservation of the ozone layer
The ozone layer is the common term for the high concentration of ozone that is found in the stratosphere around 15- 30km above the earth's surface. It contains super charged oxygen. It acts as a shield to the Earth and absorbs most of the sun's ultraviolet radiation which can penetrate organism's protective layers.
In 1994, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 16 September as the international day for the preservation of the ozone layer. So world ozone day is observed on September 16 on every year. What is the meaning of celebrating world's ozone day? That is to spread awareness among people about the depletion of ozone layer and search for solutions to preserve it. This is a good opportunity to grab global attention toward this and encourage community to preserve it.
Do we need such public attention towards ozone layer? Yes, that is because of the continuous depletion of the ozone layer. The overall amount of the ozone in the stratosphere is determined by the balance between photochemical production and recombination. Ozone can he destroyed by a number of free radical catalyst. Such as OH, NO, BR etc. All of these have both natural and man made sources. But human activities drastically affect to increase the level of Chlorine & Bromine. It was understood that different kind of man made gases causes to the depletion of ozone layer. For example CFC, halons, carbon tetrachloride etc. As a result of industrial revolution ozone layer depletion become speedy. When Cl, Br like atoms come in contact with ozone layer, they destroy ozone molecules. This can causes to ozone holes. That means a severe drop in ozone concentration in the ozone layer.
Due to depletion of ozone layer, the Earth is exposed to the ultra- violet radiations. Radiations affect DNA. Changes in DNA can result in mutations and cancers. E.g. skin cancer. Absorption of uv rays by the lens and cornea of eye will result in eye problems. Melanin producing cells of epidermis will be destroyed. Radiations can result in immune suppression. Depletion of ozone layer also affects to the process of photosynthesis in plants, global warming etc.
What can we do to protect ozone layers as individuals? The most effective way is to avoid consumption of gases that is harmful to ozone layer. As example, we can buy air conditioning and refrigeration equipment that do not use CFC like gases. Buy aerosol products that do not use CFC. When motor vehicle air conditions need servicing, make sure that refrigerants are properly recovered and repaired instead of being vented to the atmosphere. Conduct regular inspection and maintenance of air conditioning and refrigeration appliances to prevent refrigerant leakage. Montreal protocol is an international agreement made in 1987 to help the prevention of ozone layer.
Being environmentally responsible is a necessary step for all people in order to save the parts of nature that we have left. So, let's do our best to save the ozone layer, our invisible protector.
Sajini Waneesha
18 batch