A way Out
A way out They say there is a light at the end of a tunnel. But when you are in that deep darkness, even the sun doesn't seem brighter to you as you see there's no way through this, no way to stop this rather than the exiting the life. Yet there is a way out. At some point of your life you stepped on an obstacle. But you didn't let it go after that. You carried the burden with you without knowing it. All the time it comes to your mind and haunts you. So your body begin to think that your are in a constant danger zone. So your body decided to keep it's fight or flight mechanisms 24/7 on. And you become a victim of the depression. When people ask " What's your problem ? What's bothering you ? What's going on with you ? "you are answerless. Because it's not something like you are stressed about your upcoming exam or about the presentation you have in a couple of weeks. But for a person w...